The Wall

  • Steve Bonino A New York City native, Steve is the son of Roz Vallero, a professional actress. Steve’s father, Ernesto Bonino, was a famous Italian crooner who was very popular in Europe and who also enjoyed s […]

  • US band GABAGOOL has been in development since 2018 and thereabouts, and while the material was written and recorded mainly by Shelby Neil Smith I understand that this is a proper band unit as well, seeing that […]

  • Bass Icon Jeff Berlin Launches GoFundMe Campaign For New Tribute Album To Legendary Jack Bruce

    Nashville, TN – Bass icon Jeff Berlin has launched a GoFundMe Campaign for a new tribute album to legendary Jack […]

  • USA  CD  47:35

    Mourning Knight | Mourning Knight (

    Rating 90/100

    Every now and then you come across an album that totally blows you away, an album that fills you to the brim with utter joy a […]

  • US composer and musician TRISTAN WOOD is a young artist based in the pacific northwest that has been developing his career as a pop musician for a few years. Following a good handful of singles he released his […]

  • US based power trio BUZZED & LOADED is a fairly new band, launched a couple of years back it would seem, and consist of seasoned musicians with a strong pedigree from the US, Canada and Australia respectively. […]

  • UK band FABIAN JACK started out back in 2016, and from 2017 and onward they have been releasing singles at a steady pace in addition to trying to establish a firm presence in the live scene. In the spring of 2021 […]

  • US band THE DRUIDS OF STONEHENGE started out back in the second half of the 1960’s, and while the band as a fixed band unit broke up in 1969 they have reappeared here and there over the years but mainly in the […]

  • Fruits de Mer is well-chuffed to announce the release of a new album by Hanford Flyover, on sale in mid-June. Hanford Flyover are Holly, originally from Louisville Kentucky, and Josh, from Staffordshire; their […]

  • CD- Canada 2021

    52:04 Mins

    Before & Apace – Home (


    My Rating 90/100 Excellence and an altogether interesting album


    Although the concept of ‘Before and Ap […]

  • For fans of Tool, Rush, A Perfect Circle, Pink Floyd, Tesseract, Coheed & Cambria, Muse

    Prog Duo JUPITER HOLLOW Posts New Live Session Video “The Rosedale”

    New Live Stream Dates! (Aug-Dec 2021) Posts New Liv […]

  • Israel

    Private Press

    Cool Jazz


    My Rating 85/100

    Initial thoughts suggested that a more appropriate reviewing platform, for this album, should be a publication like’ the renowned Jazz T […]

  •  Featuring David Cross (King Crimson) & David Jackson (Van Der Graaf Generator)

    Bassist Mick Paul, best known for his work with the David Cross Band, is releasing his new album “Parallel Lives” on June 9th. […]

  • Genre Symphonic Prog
    Release Year 2019
    Origin Germany
    Format CD
    Total time 79;50Website URL www. AMPLITUDE
    The coming together of various musicians to form a working partnership or a band […]

  • Some seven years on from the release of their debut album, ‘The Human Burden’, Irish band Atheos have returned with the second. There have been some changes in the ranks, so although drummer Wayne Walsh and gui […]

  • These days most people think of David Kollar as Steven Wilson’s right hand man, but I first came across him in the band Komara which he formed with drummer Pat Mastelotto and Italian trumpeter Paolo Raineri back i […]

  • For this album David composed as he recorded, over a period of four days. Each day he layered together baritone guitar and strings, and the length of this then decided the total length of the song, with another […]

  • 2020 was of course the year when many of us found ourselves in unexpected isolation, and with their Prague concert cancelled in March 2020, David and Arve decided that if they could not express themselves together […]

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