This is the fifth album from Japanese brutal death metal act Gorevent, which is based around Gokucho (guitars, bass, vocals) and Takashi Orikasa (bass, vocals). Apparently when they perform, they swap between being the lead singer and being the bassist, which is a different approach, I guess. I just read a review where the writer gave this album 10/10, saying how amazing it was on absolutely every level, which shows just how much we all view things differently. To me this is basic at best, brutal death metal with strong vocals, but while they mix up the tempo and switch things around, really the only other positive thing I can say about this is that I like the artwork.

The production is muddy at best, with guitars and bass mixed together, and the drummer on a different frequency altogether so his sound is quite clear. Combine that with music which is lacking in hooks and one starts to wonder if watching paint drying is of more interest. This really is just boring, and I started checking to see how much longer each song had to go. Fortunately, this is a short album, with the eight songs not quite making it to 25 minutes in total length. I was wrong, there is another positive! For me the most interesting part is the final few seconds of “Keep It Tightening” where the drummer really kicks in and then they fade it out. Fading, on a metal album?! What are they thinking!

It is fairly safe to say that if it wasn’t for the fact I had to write about it I wouldn’t have played it as many times as I did, and now I have done the deed I can guarantee I will never play it again.

Rating: 4/10
