Elegy Of Madness is an Italian Symphonic Metal band founded in 2006 by guitarist Tony Tomasicchio after he left Ragion Pura. Musically this is a powerful outfit, mixing symphonic styles with far more commercial styles than one would normally expect. Keyboard player Luca Basile (who also provides cello) really deserves a shout out as he provides modern sounds far more in keeping with prog or electronic acts as well as the more standard swathes of keyboards which one normally expects from the genre. Then at the front there is Anja Irullo who has been the voice of the band since their inception. She has a wonderfully controlled, obviously professional trained, vocal style which is clear and not strained. Again, she has a more commercial sound than the likes of Tarja Turunen and provides an edge while rarely going into the full-on trained style so prevalent among some singers. There is a lightness within the music, more rock than metal, and it is no surprise to see they have performed with Mark Boals and Lacuna Coil, although I imagine the latter would have been far heavier and in your face. They bring in folk elements here and there, some growly male vocals when the time is right, and any fan of the genre will certainly enjoy this a great deal. I am somewhat surprised not to have come across them before now, and will certainly look for them in the future, as this album is varied, with depth, and some great hooks.

Rating: 8/10
