Multi-Grammy Award winning vocalist/pianist Diane Schuur is back with her first album in six years, where she has chosen songs by some of her heroes; from Miles Davis to Carole King to Paul Simon to Percy Mayfield. “For the first time in my recording career, I chose all the compositions for this album. I’ve been focusing on the condition of our world, about what is, about what can be,” comments Schuur. This album also features her on piano throughout, for the first time in her fifty-year recording career, and she has a delicate touch indeed. Here she has been joined by Ernie Watts (tenor and soprano saxophone), Kye Palmer trumpet and flugelhorn), Thom Rotella (guitar), Bruce Lett (acoustic bass) and Kendall Kay (drums), and everyone plays their part to keep the focus firmly on her vocals.

Even those who do not follow jazz must surely be aware of Diane Schuur and her voice, which tramples all over the boundaries between jazz and blues, so much so that it is often impossible to find the join. The arrangements focus on that voice, and I would have liked to hear more songs where it is just Diane and piano, as there is something very special indeed about that. This is how she starts “Let It Be”, which has been slowed down, and is full of emotion. Gradually the rest of the band come in, but always standing back, allowing Diane to provide some flourishes. This is one of the Beatles’ songs I have always had issues with, as it basically drags on way too long, and even with a different arrangement and some quite stunning breath control, this feels like an opportunity missed as if it has been an abridged version it would have been quite special indeed. The album ends with “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” and is the only one on the album to feature solely Diane on piano, with no vocals. Again, this has been slowed down, and while there are times when she plays in straight there are also some where she throws in some different elements to liven it up. It is a solid end to an album where her voice is the key throughout and does make me wish that her next one is just her and the piano as she has a really delicate touch. Very much an album to relax into.

Rating: 8/10
