Guide to Using this site
How do I load a picture of myself (an “avatar”) to appear in my profile and other areas?
You can load a picture, or avatar, of yourself through the black navigation bar that appears at the very top of the page. Scroll over the you name in the top right, then go to Profile > Change Profile Photo” to upload a new image.
You can also create a Gravatar at ; doing so will enable you to use that same image across many different types of websites.
How can I change my password?
Scroll over the you name in the top right, then go to Setting to change your password.
How do I change my display profile name?
1. Scroll over Welcome in the top right, then select My Profile > Edit
2. To change your display name, re-write your preferred name in the ‘Name: (required)’ field
3. Select Save Changes
What are @mentions and how are they used?
The @mention system links others to the hyperlinked profile of the individual while notifying the individual of the mention via email.
If you are trying to reach out to specific group members, simply put the @ symbol in front of their username and it will send a notification to their email address and show up in their @mention activity stream.
To learn more about the @mention system read this blog post.
What are “friends”?
In Facebook, “friending” is social networking: Members search for people whom they know, used to know, or want to know. The friending tool enables them to contact these people or to accept someone’s request for contact (and determine the extent to–and ways in which–the person can contact and interact).
On House of Prog, “friending” is basically the same thing: it enables us to contact one another and share resources and knowledge. By accepting a person’s friend request you become part of his or her “‘network.”
To accept a “friend request,” you can either follow the link in the e-mail you receive requesting friendship, or once you’ve logged in, look again at the gray tool bar on the top right; hover your mouse over “Notifications.” Then click on the number of notifications you have pending. You will then be directed to a web page that allows you to accept or reject the friendship request.
What are “notifications”?
The Notification link (at the top of the screen if you’re logged in) indicates if you have a new message, friend request, or invitation to join a group.
How do I send a message?
To send an email to another member, you can either find them on the member list or you can go to the Blogs@Baruch home page and click your avatar, click the “Messages” link on the left, and click “Compose.” Start typing the person’s first name in the addressee box and the program will give you a list of all the members whose names include the letters you’re typing. Next to the addressee box is an empty box for copying other members. Do the same thing in this box that you just did for the addressee. Each time, you do this, a new box will appear for another person to whom you might want to send a copy of the message.
How can I toggle my email notification settings?
The settings on your profile page (available by going to the top black navigation bar and clicking My Profile > My Settings > Notifications) allows you to choose whether you want the site to email you in response to a variety of different actions, such as a message being posted on the wire of a group to which you below. Please visit this page to easily change your preferences.
How Do I Delete My Account?
To delete your account, log in to the site and look for the black navigation bar at the top of the page. Scroll over Welcome to expand the menu, then go to My Settings > Delete Account and follow the directions you see. Remember, this will delete your account and all content associated with it, including blog posts you’ve written. Be sure you want to lose all this data before you delete your account.