
Welsh psychedelic band SENDELICA have been around for almost a decade at this point, and have been an increasingly active band as recording and performing artists both as the years have gone by. “Anima Mundi” is their seventh full length studio album, and was self-released at the start of 2015.

One of the primary tendencies to the music of Sendelica, even if not the exclusive one by far, has been to create guitar driven psychedelic and space rock that fairly often has been comparable to a band like Hawkwind, occasionally also borrowing or using some key guitar riffs that has lead to some direct association sin that department being unavoidable. The use of saxophone solo runs and details in their music is another characteristic trait that both have emphasized a certain connection to Hawkwind but also have set them slightly apart from many other bands generally described as being of the space rock variety.

The same tendencies can be found also on this album, but in this case they aren’t really the dominating aspects of the production. In fact, rather few of the all instrumental compositions are purebred cuts of that specific nature, but the ones who can be sorted under this category of material are all well developed and compelling ones. As is the case with this album as a whole, as a matter of fact.

The greater majority of the compositions here is of a somewhat different nature however. More careful and atmospheric laden, the use of gliding instrument textures in relatively slow moving sequences where dampened guitar solo and effects motifs, often dampened but distorted in sound, are paired off with keyboards and synthesizer sounds, an ongoing unobtrusive bassline and with the guitar elements alternating with delicate saxophone runs and, one one occasion at least, flute. Often with something more of a psychedelic than space rock sound actually, although various careful details still adds a slight cosmic touch to the proceedings. A fairly common feature in that context are sequencer sounding synthesizer motifs and cold, elegant and careful synthesizer or keyboard textures, that adds a slight association towards a band such as Tangerine Dream to the general expression, and then the more accessible and arguably ambient nature of that band’s material first and foremost.

Sendelica has often been a band that, at least for me, have come across as more interesting in a live setting than on their studio albums. A bands that have struggled somewhat in managing to display the same type of energy and compelling features to their material in a recording studio as they have when on stage. On this occasion my impression is that they have succeeded also as a recording unit, creating a strong and compelling studio album that in my view should expand the scope and interest for their particular brand of instrumental progressive psychedelic space rock quite nicely. With a probably key audience those just as fond of their Tangerine Dream as they are of bands like Hawkwind.

My rating: 80/100