“Elmet by Moonlight”, the third album in Jumble Hole Clough’s Music for Imaginary Puppet Shows series, has just been released.
It’s a collection of short soundtrack pieces created for animations that don’t exist yet, ’70s American cop shows and whimsical yet sinister children’s shows.
“A barking and crooked carnival… ridiculously essential… like Zappa’s Peaches en Regalia played on a fairground organ… Robinson always lets his imagination run free, so he won’t mind when others do the same…”
Track list:
1. Santa’s Works Band wishes you a Happy Christmas
2. Why do poor people sneeze so much?
3. Elmet by moonlight
4. Friday 13th part 4 (jazz avengers)
5. “Follow that car !”
6. The fairy suitcase incident
7. The Carthaginian Army advances through Gaul
8. The mean streets of Birkenhead
9. Baffled about the white bubble-car
10. Walking slowly through busy streets
11. The Hanging Field
12. Alla danza marcia
13. Breath & Sand (Pilkington’s and Carl Jung)
14. Doorway into Summer
15. Encased in clotted dust
16. Aliens in the broom cupboard
17. Her handbag was full of cranberry sauce
18. An ice cream van, lit up at night
19. Run to the beach hut before the rain comes
20. Fallen Flags
21. Walking slowly through deserted streets
22. I was waiting 36 hours for Charlie
23. The Danzig Patent Hedge-Cutter
24. Happy people have no stories
The album is out on Bandcamp, and a limited amount of digital copies will be available for free download.
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