It is bad form to copy sentences from press releases, for obvious reasons, but I love the introduction to this band: “Born under the vast skies of the Norfolk countryside, in the solitude of the secretive wetlands to the echoes of the curlew’s haunting cry, And Now The Owls Are Smiling explore the beauty of nature and the beauty in melancholy, the forests of the mist shrouded past and the dark forests of the human heart.” So, there you have it, I couldn’t have put it better myself, and when was the last time you saw a mention of a curlew in a black metal album review? This is atmospheric black metal, all created by the mysterious Nre, with guest female vocals on one song and a guest guitar solo on another. What is particularly interesting is that some of this album is incredibly accessible black metal, with the drums quite basic and the concentration being very much on the guitar lead, and then there are times when it blasts out more in the realms of Behemoth than a one man band.

There is a lot going on here, and consequently there are times when the production feels a little muddied, while at others it can be quite clear. Nre would definitely benefit from getting someone to sit in the drummer’s seat as there just isn’t enough power and variety coming forward, and it is this more than anything which is holding him back as there are some good ideas. It would be interesting to hear And The Owls Are Smiling as a full outfit, as that is when I think we will hear some strong material coming through, but as it is this is interesting and okay as opposed to exceptional and indispensable. This is the second album in consecutive years so Nre obviously has a high drive, so I will be intrigued to hear what comes out next, as the atmospheric beginning to “Winter’s Elegy” with female vocals shows high promise indeed.

Rating: 6/10
