It has been quite a while since I last heard American deathcore act Fit For An Autopsy, and it looks as if it is only guitarists Will Putney and Pat Sheridan who have stayed the course since 2011’s debut ‘The Process of Human Extermination’. However, they are now back with their fifth release, and the second with the same line-up. When asked about the title song, Putney said, “We have to be these puffed up, aggressive people to survive in this world, it’s dog eat dog shit out there. Lyrically, the song touches on that violent way of thinking, but it also shows the inherent sadness that comes along with a life of this nature. It’s the two main themes that the subject matter on our album was born from, making it a fitting title track. Musically, I think it’s a cool display of everything we do as a band — some classic metal foundations with some new tricks for us, and a fight riff for good measure. Hope you enjoy it!”

The same could be true of the whole album, as this is a relentless assault on the senses, and although they slow it down at times that is only so they can come back harder and faster next time around. This is deathcore, a band full of aggression and pissed off hate combined with metalcore breakdowns. “Unloved” may provide some respite from the full-on attack, but while there is always a need for dynamics, songs such as these don’t really work. It is when everyone is stood firm and attacking the world while singer Joe Badolato spits venom that they come alive. The atmospheric bits don’t work for a band like this, which is all about sweat and energy. It is the more death metal parts of this band that really work, and although this is enjoyable, it would be more interesting to me personally if they moved more into that area.

Rating: 6/10
