I like to think of this review as being fully prepared for 2020 and getting in early with Christmas album reviews, as opposed to completely messing up my reviewing towards the end of last year and forgetting that I had been sent this one. Following on from the success of ‘Eight Track III’ (which had six weeks at #1 on the JazzWeek Radio Chart), Dave Stryker and his Eight Track Band decided to make a Christmas album for all the listeners who enjoyed and supported their music. Guitarist Stryker again leads Stefon Harris (vibraphone), Jared Gold (organ) and McClenty Hunter (drums) as they work through a series of carols, traditional Christmas tunes and Christmas classics. Although it is rather refreshing to see more of the former and less pop tunes with John Lennon’s “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” being one of the few to get the Stryker treatment.

As is usual, there aren’t any vocals as such, but while Stryker often has the lead, he also shares it with both Gold and Harris. The vibraphone and classic Hammond Organ sound combine well with the guitar to create tunes which are laid-back, mellow, and suited to a club environment. It does remind me somewhat of the types of music which bands used to perform at holiday camps when I was a youngster, a background for parents to have loud conversations while knocking back the beers. The band are all very good at what they do, and I especially get the impression that Hunter really wants to let rip far more than he is able to in this environment, but this has been mellowed to the extreme. It is so laid back as to be almost comatose, and while it is an interesting selection of tunes in that it is different to the norm, I can’t see me getting this out to play in December.

Rating: 6/10
