Cold Weather Company is a New Jersey-based alternative folk band based around Brian Curry, Jeff Petescia, and Steve Shimchick. ‘Find Light’ is their third album, and for this one they brought in a number of friends and contemporaries on percussion, bass, cello, violin, trumpet, flute, sax and clarinet. When I first started listening to this I was reminded of Coldplay, but as it developed it made me think more of Mumford & Sons, and then Richard Marx, but always with an acoustic guitar/piano base and lush vocals and harmonies. Albums like this just don’t belong in the 21st century, as this is music from the Seventies and Sixties, from the Village, but imbued with a very modern take and production. It is a very clean album, and even the use of instruments like cello doesn’t take away from the album being mostly in a higher register and often without percussion or drums at all. Falsetto is a device which is used when the time is right, and the result is something which is incredibly listenable to on so many levels.

To be honest, there’s something about this which means it’s not really for me, maybe it’s too much sugar and not enough jaggedness and rawness, but I know if I played this to my daughter who loves Mumford & Sons (and Lindisfarne, and Anthony Phillips and Buffalo Springfield – all the brainwashing on my part finally paid off to some extent), she would immediately get into this. It may not really be for me, but I recognise this is an album a great many people are going to enjoy for all the right reasons. Cold Weather Company is certainly a name new to me, but not for people on YouTube who have watched their videos millions of times, and with all their music also available through Bandcamp they may well be worth casting an ear towards.

Rating: 8/10
