According to Google Translate, the album title means ‘Darkness Is Needed’, which sounds somewhat apt as the Icelandic atmospheric black metal act are back with their fifth album. Although they were originally a duo when they were formed back in 2010, these days Jóhann Örn (vocals, bass, accordion, synths, guitars) and Jón Emil (percussion, guitars) are joined by guitarists Martin Tsenov and Bragi Knutsson. They have always been adept at mixing black metal and post rock, also bringing in some progressive influences at times, here we see a return to a more atmospheric and large sounding style of material. At some points they seem strangely commercial, moving black metal into the mainstream, yet at others it is feels bleak and full of sorrow, takin the listener back to the early days of the genre as they inject some Burzum into the sound.

Lyrically this album deals with thoughts of suicide and self-destruction, the essence of bleakness and suffering defeat from the shackles of the mind, while moving to a darker, heavier side of the musical spectrum. One can only imagine music like this coming from the most sparsely populated country in Europe, as it brings forth thoughts of tundra, wind sweeping through wide open spaces, and a huge sky with little light pollution making the listener feel very small and insignificant indeed. This is black metal in some of its purest forms, no looking into other genres, but instead creating something dark and very special indeed. Dynfari have widely been thought of as one of the leaders in the genre, and this release will only further cement that opinion.

Rating: 8/10


Track list:
1. Dauðans dimmu dagar
2. Langar nætur (í botnlausum spíralstiga)
3. Myrkurs er þörf
4. Ég fálma gegnum tómið
5. Svefnlag
6. Ég tortímdi sjálfum mér
7. Peripheral Dreams
8. Of Suicide & Redemption

