Here we have the third album from North Dakota-based death/grind practitioners Gorgatron. They were formed as long ago as 2005, and three of the founder members are still with the band, but this is their first release since their last album in 2014. On their website they state they have shared the stage with bands such as Anthrax, Testament and Machine Head, but I can only guess there were many hours between the bands as here we have a death metal act who are actually too melodic and basic to really raise a sweat. The production is fine, but the drums need to be more powerful, the guitars need to be faster and more frenetic, especially in the solos, and the vocals just are not gruff enough. The result is something which is fairly pleasant, but when was the last time you heard death metal described in that fashion? This is not pushing any boundaries, and I am sure when they play live they use volume as a weapon and can get away with it, but when playing this on headphones at home at a level I am happy with I found myself getting distracted and wondering just how much longer this had to go (9 songs, 41:44 minutes).

There is little here for me to get excited about, and while I may feel different if I was at a gig, this is just too passive and at times reminds me of NWOBHM which I am sure was never the original intent.

Rating: 5/10
