When I was back in Christchurch a few months ago, I went to The Dark Room to experience the mighty Dead Favours in concert, and that night the support act was No Broadcast. They were a band new to me, but they have been around in one form or another since 2004, and the current line-up has been together since 2007. The trio of Joshua Braden (vocals, guitar), Chris Self (drums) and Kieran Colina (bass) combine to form a post-rock progressive form of music which not only brings in influences from local bands such as Jakob but also plenty of Radiohead, while for some reason this song always makes me think of Crowded House. It is ethereal, dreamy, but also with a punch and tightness which belies what is being presented to us. The music is incredibly deep yet also somewhat shallow, directionless but with real meaning, and is best played on headphones to that the listener is not distracted by anything else in the real world. Chris and Kieran, along with Joshua’s vocals, are all in the supporting role with the delicate and fractured guitars the highlight and driving force.
It is music which pays repeated listenings, and paying close attention to what is going on, as it is only then that the real majesty comes through. Interestingly, these guys are also keen on making it more than just an audio experience and for those who wish to be fully invested need to buy the special packets of Chirny’s Coffee which comes with a download code – while it is possible to buy this on Bandcamp etc, there will be only 50 packets of coffee available with the download codes. So why not enjoy the sensory pleasures of fresh coffee while listening to this song? I certainly look forward to the full album.
Rating: 8/10
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