This is the solo project for Lennart Janssen, who is also known for his work with Nuno Lourenço (0-Nun, Salqiu) in the experimental black metal outfit Thermohaline. In many ways this follows a similar path, with Lennart attempting to push some boundaries in quite an electronic manner, which at times works better than it does others. This album has a project and one-man feel about it, with the impression of music being created in a clinical and sterile laboratory as opposed to capturing something which is living and breathing. Four tracks, and a total playing time of 40 minutes, this is an icy album which is certainly reflected in the cover art.

According to Google, the title translates to ‘Disassemble’, and in some ways that makes sense as there are sections when this is incredibly stripped back and experimental, not what one would expect from black metal at all. It can be dark electronic, moving into areas of dance and rave, yet always with the feeling and impression of foreboding, that something horrible is going to happen. I have read reviews where it is stated that this is an album which needs to be played repeatedly to get the most out of it, but even so I find there are sections which I just do not enjoy as it is not my style of music at all. To put this up next to an album by the likes of Darkthrone one would never imagine they could inhabit the same space, except apparently, they do. The production is compressed so individual layers often blend into one, with the vocals being incredibly impacted, and the result is something that instead of being evil comes away as something not exactly as expected. While black metal is one of my favourite sub genres, this is not something to which I will soon be returning.

Rating: 6/10
