Some three years on from the release of 2017’s, ‘Totenritual’, Belphegor have gone back into the studio to re-record the song Necrodaemon Terrorsathan” and make it available as a single. At the same time, they have also reissued their third album, which has that song as the opening number. Singer Helmuth states, “We originally composed this album 1998-1999, recording and releasing in 2000. Our former guitarist Sigurd (1993-2006) who marched with me around the globe wrote three songs on this monster. Session drums were handled by Manfred “Man” Gandler (Mastic Scum) and bass by Mario Klausner (Pungent Stench, Collapse VII)”. Helmuth and Sigurd knew each other incredibly well by the time they came into the studio, and this certainly comes through in the guitars which are intertwined and powerful.

Belphegor have long been held in high regard as one of the most consistent and in your face bands within black metal, and this album shows why they have managed to have such a long career. It is now thirty years since the first demo, but Helmuth is still there today, and that they decided to re-record an old number to celebrate the album must be applauded, as somehow, I have not previously come across this one. All these years on, and it sounds fresh, and if I had been told this was a brand-new recording, I would have accepted that on face value, as this is incredibly heavy, exciting, and true. There are some additional sounds here and there, sometimes there are some synths, but for the most part this is two guitarists ripping with a rhythm section, driving the music deep into the brain with quick riffs and a drummer who just doesn’t quit. There is a sense of melody within this, but always sticking firmly within the genre, producing the frenetic guitar and over the top style which for me really sets this style apart. The vocals are guttural, and not hidden, all combining to provide a feeling of blackness with a rich deep sound. If like me you missed out on this one first time around, now is the time to rectify that mistake.

Rating: 9/10
