I can’t tell you much about this band, as even the gospel which is Encylopaedia Metallum does not know who played on this their debut EP which was released towards the end of 2020. What I do know is that the band hail from Belgium, were only formed last year, and this six-track 21-minute-long release is their debut. It is a concept piece, telling the story of a great battle between men and the undead, as they look to find a way to stop this overwhelming evil. The other thing I am sure of, is that whoever the musicians are behind this, they have all been around for a while in other bands as it is rare to find a debut this polished, vibrant and simply bang on.

Here we have a death metal album with plenty of nods towards power metal, and the production is polished without ever losing any of the force and presence (care of Cyril Hostyn). Different vocalists, many tempo changes, here is a band who really understand dynamics and contrast which has resulted in a debut which is incredibly potent and powerful. The guitars rip, the bass and drums blast along, while at the front we have singers who are dominant. How these guys have managed to produce an EP like this in Europe without being picked up by Napalm or Nuclear Blast is beyond me, and one can only hope that they put out an album in the near future. This is an exciting debut which anyone into metal will get a great deal out of.

Rating: 8/10
