Following on from the single Pay, which I reviewed a few months back, BRBB are back with the second single from their second album, which is due next year. We find them moving much more into a dub style, with Ree Thomson’s wonderfully clear vocals very much the centre of attention. Here we have a band who love moving in different styles, and here the song starts delicately, with some wonderful percussion, nice bass, sharp guitars, and the keyboards providing just the perfect melodic support and structure for Ree to develop on. It is a song which soon builds, and by the time we get into the first chorus the brass has started to make their presence felt.

Although the second verse lulls the listener into thinking we have reverted to the style at the beginning, we are soon reminded that here is a group who have lots of power at their disposal and are not afraid to show that. This is a real groover, designed to get the listener moving and paying attention as they demand you pay attention. They stretch throughout the five minutes, changing the song so they move away from core themes only to return, and using a capella when it is right, or crunching into the dub when it needs that edge. It is commercial, yet somehow also uncompromising, with the result being a track and performance which is as well suited for the live environment as it is for the radio. They come across as a force of nature, combining to push forward, allowing the vocals to be at the forefront yet supporting them all the way. The arrangement is a delight showcasing the bands many talents and the album is certainly going to be worth discovering, but until then we have a wonderful summer highlight in Green Cones.

Rating: 7/10
