I must confess this is the first time I have come across The Mountain Goats, and I when I went looking to do some research I was somewhat intrigued to discover that band leader John Darnielle has been using that name with different line-ups for some 30 years, and this 2019 release was their seventeenth studio release! The rear cover shows a young man with a sword in his hand, while the front shows the same scene with a dragon in the air and warriors (who may or may not be human) in the foreground. Apparently, it was inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, and while the cover art and imagery may lead one to imagine this is a metal album in a similar vein to Rhapsody, nothing could be further from the truth as this is an album which owes far more to folk and REM.

Darnielle has a wonderful way of words, and I was not surprised to see that he is also an author, and he moves between piano and acoustic guitar as the main accompaniment. Everything is delicately arranged so that it is always his vocals and lyrics which are at the front. “Possum By Night” is a definite highlight, with lots of passion and contrast within a song which is less than three minutes long. It is just so deep, and the piano provides just the right support for his vocals. While that song is slow and considered, others such as the title cut are far more commercial, mid-paced and ideal for radio, and it even includes a steel guitar! I am sure there must be a major following for these guys in the States, but if they had been producing music like this back in the Nineties then they would be a name which everyone would know. All the songs are polished and thoroughly enjoyable, and anyone into American folk, Americana, country and western, and even commercial rock will find a great deal on here to enjoy. I love “Going Invisible 2” which is almost hymn-like with wonderful reverb on the vocals, held-down organ chords and perfect simple bass.

I have no idea what the other 19 albums are like (there have been 3 more since this one), but what I can say is that ‘In League With Dragons’ is a delight from start to end.

Rating: 8/10
