When I reviewed their last single, Picture, I said I could tell Odds & Ends had a sense of humour just from the cover, and that is the case again as here we have a digital release which features a pile of cassettes (which are apparently very much in fashion again, although I have no idea why). That song saw them break the Top 40 Singles chart, while it was in the Top 10 NZ Singles, and it is possible to see this going the same way. The guys have a wonderfully infectious pop rock style which sees them creating songs which are at home on the radio as they are in the live environment. This starts with the rhythm section creating a bright beat, and two guitars combining well, with one being picked but muted, but when Koen starts singing, they both drop away so it is just him, bass, and drums. This simple arrangement creates for quite a different beginning, meaning that when they all come back in there is a real sense of dynamics.

The more the song progresses the more attention we get from the arrangement, which manages to combine both funk and reggae in what is very much an alternative pop rock setting. With everyone singing it is no surprise that we get harmony gang vocals in the chorus, which works very well, again creating a contrast between other areas of the song. There are times when this is quite Split Enz in styling, and I am sure they have been paying close attention to the Finn brothers as this is very much in the Kiwi pop rock vein and is all the better for it. They have an all-ages show coming up soon at Tuning Fork and that will be one not to miss.

Rating: 8/10
