Somewhat incredibly, it is nearly 20 years since Goodshirt released “Sophie”, which was the first NZ single in 18 months to get to #1 on the charts and won ‘Single of The Year’ at the 2003 NZ Music Awards. Now in 2022 it has been revived by The Not Okays as their latest single. Due to Covid, I have not been able to see them play live yet, but this is their third single and I know that when I finally get to see them it is going to be a real blast. It is always hard for me to review their material as singer Lauren Kate Borhani and her husband drummer Bahador (who is also in my favourite NZ act, Written By Wolves) are both friends, and we have been known to share the odd drink at Ding Dong while I have also been to the pub with her dad! What would happen if I didn’t like what they were doing? Thankfully that is yet to happen, and if they keep releasing material as good as this it is not likely to take place in the future.

Although this starts with acoustic guitar in a similar manner to the original, this is slightly more upbeat and controlled (I always feel the original sounds like it is going to go off the rails, and its naivety is part of its beauty), guitarist and vocalist Aaron Prictor produced the cover to build organically into a pop-rock anthem which is layered with way more depth. Of course, the original had male vocals (although it was mimed by a female in the video), but Lauren Kate captures the emotion and passion well, and this one becomes more dramatic in your face, as it turns into an emo belter. The bass is incredibly important here, providing the counterpunch to the guitars, and it is that combined with the vocals which have transformed this into something which fans of the original will appreciate as instead of being a straight copy it has been become something deeper and rockier. Released in celebration for NZ Music Month, it shows a band gaining in confidence and I can’t wait to see them soon. As for the ending dear? Simply divine.

Rating: 9/10
