Some years back I was over at AAA Records and head honcho TeMatera Smith handed me a copy of this album and told me to go and listen to it as he thought I would enjoy it. He was quite correct, but it was only recently that I realised I had never written about it so thought I should correct it now. I may be wrong, but I think this is the only album Nat ever released, and according to the Bandcamp page it was reissued in 2015, but with no date on the booklet I am not sure if what I have here is the original or the reissue. I thought it had come out on AAA, although I could well be wrong, so it is possible this is the original and I have no idea when that was. What I do know is that although this is a style of music I would not normally listen to, Nat’s voice is a rich velvet and there is something very special taking place in my ears.

This is soul and smooth jazz (think Sade crossed with Motown), in a relaxed manner which is both timeless yet bringing forth thoughts of the Seventies, as there is no way it is of the modern era. The focus is very much on the feel, with gentle accompaniment (and wonderful basslines), where keyboards may be the main focus, or delicate guitar, while horns also have an important part to play. The vocals are front and centre, with lush harmonies, and there is no strain or effort but instead they just roll out like a warm blanket, comforting the listener and wrapping them in their delicious notes. There is a real breadth here, vocals which are really being sung as opposed to autotuned to the max, by a real singer who is in total control at all times, grabbing the listener by the heart and bringing them in close.

It is complex, yet also simple in that Nat has found her style and then relaxed into it, creating an album which is very special indeed. My understanding is that she is not involved in the scene at present, and a quick check of the bible of NZ music which is shows that she is not even listed, so she has very much flown under the radar. I truly hope this is not the last we have heard of Nat Rose as this is an album which will be enjoyed by all lovers of great music. I found it to be a wonderful release, even though I would normally not even consider listening to this genre – why not check it out on Bandcamp?

Rating: 8/10
