Only nine months since their last album, and Adam and the band are back with the first single from the next, Bug Eyes, which is due out in November. Salt clearly shows that here we have a band who have paid their dues by working the circuit since they released their debut in 2018 and soon, they will be back with their fifth – the work ethic puts many other bands to shame. Their take on alt rock ‘n’ roll brings in plenty of Americana, and while Adam’s vocals are always front and centre, they are lifted by an accompaniment which is almost a wall of sound with some jangly guitars and staccato piano building around a rhythm section which keep it smooth and sweet with some fluid basslines. We get two verses before the chorus which is a total contrast to what has gone before, with the accompaniment dropping away and harmonies coming in. Then it is back to the accompaniment, but with some wonderful “Oohs” over the top and a restrained melodic guitar lead.

The longer the song goes on the more Adam relaxes his vocals into it, allowing nuances and flecks to come in, providing an edge until the song slowly builds into a climactic mess of noise as it degenerates but then ends on a dime. If just one song is like this, what are we going to hear on the album? The breadth and depth is wonderful, and if you have yet to come across Adam and the Haunters then this is a great place to start.

Rating: 8/10
