I have long been a fan of Soilwork, and was very much looking forward to this album, but the untimely death of guitarist David Andersson (who was also in The Night Flight Orchestra) less than a month after its release has obviously cast a shadow. Mental illness is a terrible thing – if you are a sufferer (as am I) – then find the help you need and remember, the world is a better place with you in it. Björn “Speed” Strid must have problems working out what band he is in at times, and where certain material should go, as there are some songs contained on this which might well have fitted on the last NFO album, while there are others which are solid Soilwork.

Over the last 20 years they have moved a long way from the melodic death they started with, and are now in a much more commercial area, but the move has been organic and there are still elements of their old styles combined within which makes this an incredibly enjoyable album for both old fans and new. The album title can be translated to ‘The Abandonment’ which describes the overall album theme of being surrounded by the thought of being abandoned or even abandoning others. It deals with darker thoughts that have shaped the band itself and affected their development process, and I am sure the actions of David have since caused a great deal of soul searching and sorrow for everyone involved. However, in many ways this is a culmination of two years of Covid restrictions and all that meant, combined with the continued artistic development of both this band and NFO, with the result being yet again a stunning piece of work.

I was late to this band, but their last three albums are all excellent additions to any metal collection, and this their latest commercial offering combined with melodic death stylings is the same again. They understand the need for contrast and drop in a simple piano piece here, or acoustic guitar, all of which means that when they bring the storm it rains even heavier. Yet another essential release.

Rating: 10/10
