I was very impressed with the last single I heard of Gabriel’s, 2021’s Lights Burn Low, so when I asked to review this, I was looking forward to it. As I noticed last time, this is full of class with very high production, and does not sound like the performance of a musician who has yet to release his debut EP (out soon). Lyrics are an important aspect for Gabriel, and here he spins his tale about a relationship with someone who is clearly bad for him, but he does not know how to end it, and keeps finding reasons to stay together even it is not a good idea. His vocals are clear, and whereas last time I said he reminded me somewhat of Richard Marx this is far more up to date with John Mayer being an obvious influence.

This is well-constructed pop with light funk overtones (some gorgeous bass pops here and there), jangly guitar (nice rock solo though) and an arrangement which keeps his vocals front and centre. There are some delightful harmonies in the bridge leading to the chorus, as well as the chorus instead, and the result is a summery number which is surely destined for radio success. He has already set out his stall and has even opened for Tiki Taane and I am sure we are going to hear a lot more from this talented singer songwriter.

Rating: 9/10
