These guys are new to me, and when I checked them out, I realised they are from Dunedin which is why I have not come across them yet on the Auckland circuit, but I do hope they can make it up here at some point as these three songs are a nice slice of rock, and they are doing something quite different with their sound. Named after lead singer/guitarist Boaz Anema, the band also comprises Dean Armitage (bass, backing vocals), Jacob Rutherford (slide guitar) and Callan Carne (drums). Yes, you did read that correctly, slide guitar and I was intrigued to hear how Jacob was producing his sounds so checked out some of the videos on their FB page and noticed he is one of those very rare beasts indeed, a rock guitarist who does not use a pick which provides an unusual tone.

The rhythm section is nice and tight, while Boaz provides a chugging guitar to underpin his vocals, and one could easily imagine them operating as a trio. However, the addition of the slide gives them a unique approach, sometimes coming through as country and western, and others being far more dramatic in the theme of Rory Gallagher. Altogether this is classic rock, but with a flavour far removed from what one would normally expect from Dunedin, with the opening title cut allowing them to spread their wings and have some fun and then just stopping, dead.

It would not surprise me if this was recorded live in the studio, as it has that feel about it, four guys who each know what they are about, grooving and having fun. Dean provides some wonderful runs, Boaz concentrates on the chords to provide the support to his vocals, Jack keeps a sweet rhythm, and then Jacob noodles over the top. There is a freshness here, which makes it light and inviting, perfect for the better weather ahead as we are never in a rush, with the four of them combining to create something which is different yet also familiar. I have been trying to rack my brains and think who they most remind me of, and the closest I can get to is Dire Straits, but even that isn’t correct as they truly have a sound and style quite unlike any other band.

Although they have previously released some singles, this is their debut EP, and am certainly looking forward to hearing more from them in the future.

Rating: 7/10
