Earlier this year I reviewed the self-titled debut EP by Ange.Mac + Shaun Garea, and now they are back with a full-length album which is a soundtrack to the table‐top card game ‘Doom Pilgrim’ published by War Claw Games (Czechoslovakia). The idea of the soundtrack was to mix synth, orchestral, FX, goth, industrial, and experimental stylings to help players sink into the world of Doom Pilgrim as they explore the world and quests. It is available as a free download when the game is purchased while also available on its own. On the EP the two musicians collaborated somewhat, but this time around they have worked on their own material with five tracks from one and four from the other, alternating as the album progresses.

They have quite different styles, but are complementary, and with a firm goal in mind they have created a dark ambient soundscape which feels medieval, from the time of knights. I have not seen the card game (apart from the album cover art which is taken from it), but I can imagine having this in the background while playing the game will certainly get everyone in the correct frame of mind. It is music which is best played on headphones, or in a quiet environment where there is no likelihood of being disturbed, as with all good soundscapes it is like a film score for the ears. There are times when it is quite reminiscent of Karda Estra, but with no vocals but lots of visuals. Background textures such as crows or the tolling of a lonely bell, certainly add to the ambience and the feeling there is something special and dramatic taking place. There is no rush to a conclusion, and the 55 minutes certainly allows each artist to expand on what they are doing.

I thoroughly enjoyed the EP, and I am pleased to be able to say the same about the debut album as it is deep and meaningful, creating images, yet is also easy to listen to. Atmospheric and powerful, I look forward to their next release with interest.

Rating: 8/10
