There is something about filthy metal infused with blues and a groove which really gets to me, then add in a singer who is channelling her inner Janis and you know it must be a winner. OK, so the artwork may be a little naff and dated, but while the music is also going back in time there is nothing naff about anything inside the sleeve. I must confess to not being able to confirm the line-up as neither their website or FB page contains the details, and the band photos have the three guys wearing hooded cloaks covering their faces while only singer Jem is standing out front. I guess they want to be mysterious, but while Jem is the voice of the band, the rest are producing some wonderfully heavy riffs which sound like they have come straight from the late Sixties which have then been transformed into something for today, and they should have credit for that.

They say their music should be described as Stomp Rock, and that they are a cross between AC/DC and Janis Joplin, but while these are undoubtedly influences, we could easily add Stone The Crows, Black Widow, Blue Cheer, Witchfynde and so many others. If this had been released forty years ago towards the end of the NWOBHM movement I would not have been surprised, as there were so many strands coming out which later turned into thrash, death, power and black metal – it was a real melting pot. In some ways these guys remind me also of Christchurch band Mudbelly, except they are way heavier and right in your face.

One can imagine everyone being told “plug in there and play”, and then leaving the studio later that afternoon with 10 tracks in the can as this is raw, uncompromising, with a rhythm section setting the foundation for the guitar to crunch and provide riffs so meaty one can sit on them and go for a ride. Then at the front is Jem, who has cut her teeth on the greats such as Janis and Maggie Bell, providing the power with gravel and attitude. In That’s Alright With Me she sings “I’m a bit of an asshole” and there is no doubt she is telling the truth, so be warned as here is a band who seem more like a gang than a group, all brought together by their love of the blues and metal and forcing them together.

Passionate, groove-laden filthy blues metal by a band who mean business, I certainly hope these guys get up to Auckland next year. Given they are from Welly, I wonder if they ever gig with {End Boss}? Now that would be a show not to miss.

Rating: 7/10
