I really enjoyed both Perfect Beings albums, so when I heard Jesse Nason (keyboards on all releases) and Dicki Fliszar (drums on ‘Perfect Beings’ and ‘Perfect Beings II’) had reunited with the first band they were in together I was somewhat intrigued. 20 years on from their last release, Wonderlove are back, with the rest of the line-up being singer Chris Paul Overall, guitarist Bryan McIntyre and bassist Dave Beste (Rival Sons). The band name and album artwork does give an idea that the band may have some psychedelic leanings, and in some ways that is true but what is intriguing about this album is the sheer variety of styles they are throwing in. it is almost as if there are no limits, as if they just go where the music takes them as opposed to attempting to always stay within one genre or another, and this gives the album real life as one never knows where it is going to lead. Yes, there is psychedelia, but there is also pop, folk, singer songwriter, hard rock, prog, and much more, often all at the same time. If one took Beatles, Pink Floyd and Queen in the same room and told them to have fun then one can imagine this being what they would come with, especially if Queens of the Stone Age came long to referee.

The music is polished, but never over-produced, with the result being that this is something of a slow burn as it takes a long time to truly get inside the heads of the musicians and while it can be appreciated on one level on the first time of playing, I felt it was not until the third time through that I started to really get my head into what they were doing, at which time I also felt this is the kind of album which is almost impossible to review as it does not neatly fit inside any pigeonhole (music is not a pigeon!!), so all I can really do is say how much I have personally enjoyed it. Chris has a wonderful vocal style, nicely hitting the notes, and not afraid to drop into falsetto if that is what he feels the song needs, while also coming down the register so there is never any strain. There is little edginess within this, rather we have a group of musicians who are enjoying each other’s company with no set expectations apart from delivering something they are happy with, and undoubtedly, they have done just that with this release which achieves in so many ways. I don’t believe their earlier albums are currently available, but for all lovers of powerful melodic songs I suggest you drop over to their Bandcamp page to give this a try.

Rating: 8/10
