Canadian Deathcore band Despised Icon were formed in Montreal in 2002, and released four albums before calling it a day in 2010 but then reformed in 2016. They signed with Nuclear Blast and this was their comeback album in the same year, since when they have released another album and an EP. They still had five founder members in singers Steve Marois and Alex Erian, lead guitarist Eric Jarrin, bassist Sebastien Piché and Yannick St-Amand (samples, media) while drummer Alex Pelletier joined in 2004 when Alex moved to vocals, while rhythm guitarist Ben Landreville joined in 2009. Given their history and longevity, it is probably no surprise that this never sounds like a band who have only recently reformed, but it is as if they have never been away as these guys are really hungry.

What sets them apart from many is the drumming of Alex Pelletier who is simply incredible, never stopping yet also never content to provide simple patterns but is always shifting his style to what is happening around him. He can blast when he needs to, but often keeps it in check so when it comes out it is dynamic and in great contrast to what has happened previously. In some ways he reminds me of Gene Hoglan, and as far as I am concerned that is just about the highest praise I can give any metal drummer. The guitars and bass are often locked in together, tight and intertwined in the manner which only happens from many hours spent on a stage and in a studio, and then at the front we have the two singers. Erian has more of a mid-range growl while Marois goes somewhat deeper, yet they are also more than happy to perform as if they are fronting a hardcore outfit as opposed to deathcore, switching the leads and styles so they are providing as much excitement and variety as the guys behind them. Deathcore is one of my least favourite metal genres but when it is played as well as this then one can only enjoy it. Superb.

Rating: 8/10
