Still the same trio who brought the band together in 1998, E. Danielsson (vocals, songwriting), P. Forsberg (guitars, songwriting) and H. Jonsson (songwriting), they have recorded this album live with the assistance of H. Eriksson (guitars), E. Forcas (drums) and A. Lillo (bass). It was recorded by long-time collaborator Tore Stjerna in his Necromorbus studio, now re-located to an old church in the Swedish countryside. It does not sound as if this is a live recording as it is very structured with a quite commercial feel. Watain have moved a long way from when they burst onto the scene with pigs heads upsetting the local vicars, and it is interestng to see this album gaining almost universal acclaim which I find strange as while this is strong and powerful black metal album it is not nearly as good as everyone is making it out to be.

The album is way too clean, way too polished and sanitised, not something I would expect to say regarding Watain. In many ways it remind of the classic sound from Dimmu Borgir yet they have historically been compared with classic Mayhem and Dissection, and they are a long way from both of those bands with this one. For me there is not enough atmosphere and bite for this to be recognised as the classic any think this should be seen as, and while I am sure this will sound very different indeed when played live, there is not enough variety and power contained within for me to return to it frequently. 25 years on the band no long provide shock and awe and instead have reverted into the mainstream black metal scene.

Rating: 7/10
