Blaze of Perdition are a Polish black metal outfit formed in 2004, originally as Perdition. This was their third full length release, from 2015, and was heavily influenced by the accident they suffered while on tour in Austria which resulted in bassist Wojciech “Ikaroz” Janus dying while singer “Sonneillon” Marzec ended up in a coma. This recording saw the return of previous bassist Revenger, working again with singer Sonneillion, guitarist XCIII and drummer Vizun (who were all involved in the previous album) to create something which is dark, powerful, with the raw edge and beauty which only the best Black Metal bands manage to conjure.

When I think of BM, which is a genre which covers a multitude of sins, it is this style which I prefer. The guitars are strident, the emotions palpable, and it feels like we are being brought into a world of torment (which given what the band experienced is probably correct). It does have plenty of atmosphere, but here it enhances the feeling of being generated by the music as opposed to taking over. It is interesting also to note there are times when if the vocals were taken away that some of the music is quite mainstream. It is a very deep album with a great deal to take in and listen to, yet somehow is also accessible and totally enjoyable from the very first time it is played. Blaze of Perdition may not exactly be a household name, even within the Black Metal scene, and I cannot comment on the albums released both prior and since this one, but this is incredibly enjoyable and anyone into this style of music should certainly check it out (if you can find it, it is not on their Bandcamp page for some reason).

Rating: 8/10
