This 2016 album by German band GWLT is, I think, their only album but for some reason it is difficult to find out much information about them and their Facebook site says the band status is “complicated”. They were/are a quintet, and although I do not know the line-up, I can say that one of their members is David Mayonga, who has also performed as Roger Rekless or Comma 8, and is a well-known rapper in the German scene. The album is performed solely in German, which makes it somewhat incomprehensible for those of us who have enough issues with English, and perhaps I would enjoy this one more if I could understand what is going on, but I already have enough problems with the music.

There are times when they are metalcore, others when they are post hardcore, others more pop based rock, others more industrial, with vocals which can be emotional and raw at times, rap at others, more dynamic at others. The result is something which never settles, and consequently makes it hard to understand what they are expecting to achieve as there is plenty in here for the metalhead, as well as plenty which is not, which will be confusing to them but there are also times when it is moving into areas which most metalheads tend to avoid. It is quite possible they are more brutal in the live environment and this album is somewhat sanitised but given this is all I have to go on, I can’t really comment. What is interesting is I have found virtually nothing written about this album in English, so it obviously has not translated well outside the German market. Not one to which I will ever return.

Rating: 5/10
