Here we have another CD sent to me by Thierry Sportouche from France, and this time around it is a Lyon-based duo, Erzatz, and their 2017 album, ‘Meian’. I have tried to do some digging on the band, and I believe they were originally called r:zatz, formed by Céline Frezza who brought in friends to flesh out her musical vision and released three albums under that name. They are now a duo with Céline providing vocals and being joined by Takeshi Yoshimura, guitarist, composer and singer while they asked Aku Fen (High Tone), to arrange and produce. They also had a few guests, including rapper M.Sayyid, who fortunately is only on one song, and the result is something which is quite experimental, but often not in a good way, yet then there are times where the music is just beautiful in the foreground, only to be spoiled by something taking place in the background.

They themselves give the music the tags of electronic, abstract, electronica, experimental, folk, and trip hop, but to me the cauldron of different styles is too jarring, bringing in too many influences and styles I do not enjoy which then upsets the equilibrium of what I am playing. I am sure I am not the target market, and I have seen interesting reviews of this so it is obviously appreciated by some, but this does not work for me and is not something to which I will ever return.

Rating: 5/10
