This six-track EP was released at the beginning of June, and apparently is the first EP in their history. I am somewhat confused as to why this has been put out as it is quite a while since the album was released, is not exactly indicative of their normal style, and will only really be of interest to diehard fans and collectors. The reason for that is this contains multiple versions of the same song, including a rough demo and an instrumental take. Within the context of the album I found this to be an interesting aside and a different way of providing dynamics as it contrasts so much with the heavier and more dynamic aspects of what we normally expect. As an EP there is softness on softness and while I enjoyed listening to the different versions as I am a geek who enjoys understanding how a song may develop, the result is something to which I don’t believe I will ever return as I would much rather have this against the dynamic metal we all love them for. If this was not a Slipknot release I am pretty sure everyone, including myself, would just ignore it and pass on smartly by.

Rating: 6/10
