I have caught Unwanted Subject in concert a few times over the last couple of years, and while they have been getting better each time I have seen them, I must admit that nothing prepared me for this, which right from the off is a monster. I have never heard them quite this is aggressive, nor as polished, and this multi-sectioned single sounds almost like a different band as they have pushed their metal roots to the max in this metalcore beast which sees them mixing and blending different genres to create something quite special. I notice that Lachlan Pickford is the man at the controls, who also worked with {Drop Off Point} on their recent EP and that is a name I am going to keep an eye open for, as he has coaxed a great performance from the guys.

This demands to be played at high volume, and while the ears may immediately be drawn to the guitars of Ryan and Prasert along with the vocals of Gerrit, it is the rhythm section of Blair and Bran which drive this forward, locked in as one with multiple patterns and a heavy use of kick drum when the need is right. The variety of styles, time signatures, attacks and the use of a melodic lead guitar over the top at some points and locked in the riffs at others means there is a lot going on and the ears are drawn to the contrasts which make the heavy seem even more so, and the quieter even more melodic. This is going to get Unwanted Subject a lot more attention in the heavy scene and rightfully so, as the only question now is when do we get the album?

Rating: 8/10
