Formed in 1990, this German power metal quintet released this their debut album in 1996, with only two of the eight songs having been previously released in one form or another. Power metal was going through quite a resurgence at this time, especially in Germany, and there is no doubt that Factory of Art wanted to get in on the action, but the real issue here is the lack of real quality material. That combined with a performance which did not quite hit the spot while also having a singer who was close to being very good indeed, but not really, means here have an album which has not dated at all well.

The line-up was Gunter (vocals, keyboards), Flecke (guitars), Joe F. Winter (guitars, backing vocals), Wolf (drums) and Ron (bass, backing vocals). The drums are somewhat pedestrian which makes it even worse they are so high in the mix as it really stands out. The band which I keep coming back to as a comparison is Angra, but these guys are nowhere in the same league and while I am sure they were a fine opening act to the main event there is little here which makes me really want to play it again.

Rating: 5/10
