This 2021 album was the first full album release from the electronic project involving Mark Price (High Spy, Frameshift, Grace) and Phil Heeks (The British Stereo Collective), following on from their EP, ‘Space Disco Stake Out’ which was released the previous year. Phil provides keyboards, guitars plus vocals on a few tracks while Mark is on keyboards and samples, and they have some female singers on a few songs. They describe their music as a crossover from Pink Floyd and Tangerine Dream to Leftfield and The Prodigy, and the result is something which is certainly going to appeal more to those approaching electronic music from the dance scene as opposed to from the progressive area. No prizes for working out where I sit then.

There are often times when I listen to something and I can see the appeal, but it is really not for me whatsoever and that is exactly what we have here in that while I must admit I did not enjoy it at all, I can understand why those with different musical tastes will get a great deal from this. It is impossible to comprehend where Mark ends and Phil starts as they are strongly joined together on this, and while the more dance side goes straight over me, I can imagine a lot of very sweaty dancers moving to this and having a blast. There are some nice middle eastern touches on “Temple 21”, and while the dance stylings and drum machine are not for me there is something nice about this. While I may not appreciate much of what this album is doing, if you are a fan of this style then seek this out on Bandcamp and give it a try for yourself.

Rating: 7/10
