This album was originally released in 2019 and designed to mark the 250th anniversary in 2018 of the first of Captain James Cook’s three historic Pacific voyages, which commenced at Plymouth in August 1768 (what I am listening to is the slightly revised 2022 version). Frederick McKinnon (lyrics) and Tim Hunter (music) decided to create a new, shortened, version of a longer musical play. This has fewer songs, including two new ones, along with some changes to lyrics. When I lived in the UK, Cook was seen as an amazing adventurer and explorer responsible for discovering so many new worlds, but here in Aotearoa he is something of a divisive figure, as while he was the first European to communicate with Māori, it was also the beginning of the end of their way of life. Just 70 years later the Treaty of Waitangi had been signed, and this country had changed forever.

Of course Tim and Frederick are approaching this from a UK standpoint, viewing him as an incredible character (which in many ways he obviously was), telling the story of his journeys from the viewpoint of himself and others viewing him. The music is mostly provided on keyboards, although there are also some live drums on some tracks, and I would have much preferred to have heard this being played with a full band as I think that depth would have provided far more contrast and dynamics, allowing the music to really stand out. As it is, there is not enough variety for this to stand up against the musicals of Clive Nolan, for example. However, while not indispensable this is actually a very enjoyable piece of work, and provides a nice insight into the man, as the research behind the lyrics is excellent and Tim’s accompaniment to the words gels well. If you enjoy musicals, then this may be worth seeking out.

Rating: 6/10
