I don’t grab all the music which is sent to me for review, but there was something about the cover which made me think of the 90’s underground metal scene so I dove into this one, and I am so very glad I did. What we have here are three tracks each from blackened death outfit Wormwitch from Vancouver and psychedelic thrash unit Sadistic Ritual from Atlanta. One can tell from the off that both of these bands have released albums in their own right and are both veterans of the touring circuit, as these tracks are tasters for bands which are incredibly tight and blistering. Wormwitch sound as if they are a direct throwback to the early Nineties with an attitude and production to match, while Sadistic Ritual are also very much from the same era. There is no room for here for egos as this is all about turning up the volume and setting up the mosh – their lack of polish is endearing, and I can only imagine both these bands are great fun in concert. I have no idea if they have any plans to play together, but if they do that will be a gig well worth seeing. This is a wonderful taster for two underground bands who should be more well-known – if you want raw uncompromising metal from bands who are sound both fresh and quite dated then this is the right place to be.

Rating: 7/10
