Originally streamed online in 2021, this career-spanning show, held at and filmed on three different locations, has a total running time of 90 minutes, divided into three different acts. As well as featuring fan favourites there are also some deep cuts which the band had rarely played live. Behemoth have had an incredibly stable line-up with Nergal (lead vocals, guitars) there from the very beginning, Inferno (drums) first answering the call in 1997 before returning in 2000 and bassist Orion joining in 2003, while session guitarist Seth has been playing in concert with them since 2004. This Polish metal act may have toyed with some death metal here and there over the years, but it will always be for black metal which they are most well-known. I am listening to the triple CD, but it is also available as a Blu-ray, with the only real issue being the same which impacted all live releases from this period in that there is no audience due to the pandemic, which of course raises the question of how much of this is really live? Mind you, the same can be said for many ‘live’ albums which often have pieces re-recorded or cobbled together from different sets. What can be said is that this is a career-spanning set from one of the finest BM bands around.

They commence with “Chant of the Eastern Lands”, the opening cut from their 1995 debut ‘Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic)’ and the quartet are on fire from the beginning. The bass has been given a very considerate production so it is both warm and higher in the mix than one might expect, often in stark contrast to the bleakness of the guitars and crunch of the drums, which contributes to an interesting overall sound. There is no doubt that Behemoth had a major role to play in the development of the Polish extreme metal underground in the Nineties, and they are still incredibly relevant today as this set demonstrates as it is full of dynamics as they switch tempos and styles to the light is in stark contrast to the dark which is even deeper given the contrasts at play. It is a great introduction to the band for those who have yet to come across them, while old fans will relish this set which goes from the relatively obscure to favourites such as “At the Left Hand ov God”.

Rating: 9/10
