Greek project METHEXIS is the creative vehicle of Nikitas Kissonas (formerly of Verbal Delirium), and “The Fall of Bliss” is his first ever solo production. The album was issued in 2011, and is a self released production.
As far as debut albums go, Methexis’ one is of the kind I’d describe as an uneven experience. He’s got many fine ideas going, he’s rather creative in his endeavors too, but the compositions appears as somewhat underdeveloped to me. Alternating between being too repetitive in some cases, trying to fit too much into the individual compositions in others, and a few cases of basically being somewhat strange. Not a bad album as such mind you, but a production that will have a niche appeal rather than a broad one presumably.
A typical case of what I’d describe as a strange track appears in the shape of Track the Saviours. Opening with a compelling and energetic bass and drums based theme expanded with suitable dark toned guitars, which then shifts to a weird staccato start and stop riff and vocals dominated sequence that use some sort of new wave inspired melodic interlude in between the verse parts. The compelling opening theme is revisited later on, but it’s the verse and chorus parts that follows the introduction that will make this piece one with a limited niche appeal.
The following piece The Aftermath is another item that won’t have a universal appeal as far as I can tell, the dark, theatrical vocals employed here an acquired taste if anything, and the manner in which this otherwise careful acoustic guitar and keyboard textured construction have been assembled is another instance of a unique and somewhat strange construction.
The four part suite The Fall of Bliss, which ends this disc, is a creation somewhat easier to listen to, but again sporting some unique touches that will see this dark and brooding composition to be a creation that will have a somewhat limited appeal I’d guess. Each of the different parts focusing on a rather different expression altogether, and concluding with a 6 minute long stretch of fairly depressive and brooding variety of progressive rock.
Personally I found the piano ballad Lines on a Bust to be a highlight, sporting intense vocals on top of a slightly jazz-oriented piano motif, and opening track Eradicated Will with it’s gentle acoustic guitar driven movements alternating with darker toned, riff driven ones another fine piece of fairly engaging progressive rock.
If you have a taste for artists opting for a somewhat unique and fairly dark and theatrical expression, utilizing a sonic palette that stretch from careful jazz-oriented excursions to brooding harder edged progressive rock, then this initial effort by Greek project Methexis is one that probably warrants an inspection. Especially if you’re fond of productions of a kind and character that needs to be listened through some times before their strengths will be revealed.
My rating: 58/100