The debut album by this Massachussets, US four-piece is a talented, creative but ultimately slightly flawed release. It’s not without merits though, and it is an interesting addition to the prog metal genre.

In sound the band has a solid foundation in classic prog metal territory. Piano and keyboards are used to flesh out soundscapes and add atmosphere to the compositions, and is a vital instrument whenever the band seeks out those big, epic moments. Guitars serve up riff patterns as well as drawn out chords with a good variation, and there’s a bit of soloing going on too where the guitarists get to showcase their abilities. Vocals are mellow and controlled in verses, and becomes more intense in the chorus parts.

Quirky drum patterns and some instances of intense drumming from the thrash school of music creates some distinct segments in some of the compositions, and the riff patterns often take on some offbeat patterns and disjointed structures; creating avant-garde or even post rock segments, where the band explore disharmonies and a style that is rather unique.

What is lacking are the good and memorable compositions though. As unique sounding as these compositions may be, they are more intriguing in their creativity and technical performance than interesting due to strong moods and atmospheres. For me, there’s often too many loud noises in the soundscape as well – too many instruments fighting to dominate the soundscape instead of contemplating each other. And one more issue I often comes across on a regular basis; the vocals aren’t strong, to the point of sounding a bit off key in places.

When that is said, this isn’t a bad album either; but this one might be suited more to prog metal fans enjoying raw talent, technical performance and some unique musical patterns more than listening to intriguing and captivating moods and melodies.

My rating: 65/100