PATTERSON-MELBOURNE (UK) We’ve Been Expecting You

Once very blue moon, a song appears out of the mist and just permeates your mind, humming the darn chorus like a child in a candy store. ‘Come to me, my love’, as I am a full-fledged sucker for romantic emoting, being a lifelong and devoted Roxy fan. When I heard...

THE ADEKAEM (POLAND) Pictures from Sierra Morena

The Prog Rogue has been following this band since day one, and I am overwhelmed to admire their ongoing evolution, as each and every album has been a deliberate and well thought out upgrade, in more ways than one. The duo of guitarist /keyboardist Krzysztof Wala and...

LYRELLA (UK) Cosmic Lark  

There is now little doubt that I seem to have an unshakable connection with the music of multi-instrumentalist Tony Lowe, as I own all of his ESP Project albums as well as all its offshoots, which now includes this new 2025 stunner. Perhaps because it’s not the...


Clive Nolan has wasted little time in reigniting the torch of historical based concept prog, barely 2 years after the Tuscan perfidy of “The Rise of the Medici” debut and its unanimous success through out the progressive community. We move from the Machievalism of the...

Gérald MASSOIS (FRANCE) Demain à l’aube

This talented composer and multi-instrumentalist has just released a follow -up to his 2018 debut “Le Vol Erratique d’un Papillon”, that was based on the terrible events of the Bataclan concert massacre in Paris, the first of an already written trilogy of which this...