US label Atomic Action! Records is based out of Rhode Island, and their philosophy is to release music by bands they enjoy themselves. US band FUCKING INVINCIBLE and European band LIFESPITE are among those apparently, and material from both of these have been assembled into a split 7 inch vinyl EP released by the label in the late fall of 2016.

As both of these bands share many general tendencies, putting out a split EP featuring both of these appears to be a sound decision. There should be plenty of overlap among the fan base of both bands, and both bands will most likely profit from the fans of each getting familiar with the other.

Fucking Invincible contribute five tracks to this split EP, although in reality I’ll claim that this is actually one song divided into five parts. As punk and hardcore is the name of the game here, I guess that this will count as something of an epic in those circles. What the band does is basically to alternate between sequences of raw and dirty doom metal and passages of even more raw and intense hardcore and punk. The vocals are shouted and intense, the guitars rough and dirty, the rhythms pounding. Honest, aggressive and dirty music if you like, with something of a lo-fi sound and attitude.

Lifespite’s side of this split EP are three separate tracks, where the longest opens with a dramatic story about oppression and abuse being told before the music kicks in. Again with doom metal and hardcore punk as the alternating styles explored in a pulsating arrangement, again with a fairly raw and dirty general sound that comes across as lo-fi, honest and to the point. Not quite as extreme and intense when in hardcore and punk territories as their US counterparts, and for my sake at least that is a positive, and generally speaking I find this band to be the most interesting of these two based on the material at hand here.

Raw, dirty and honest are the key words I’d use to describe the contents of this split EP as far as general sound and impression goes, and in terms of style my impression is that hardcore and punk is a solid foundation, with fluctuations mainly in the direction of doom metal but also with details arguably closing in on both groove metal and thrash at times. First and foremost a hardcore and punk oriented production though, and one that merits a check by those with an interest in those styles that don’t mind bands pulling in some additional dimensions to their chosen turf.

My rating: 73/100

Track list:
Fucking Invincible: Buy or Die; More Death; Blessing/Curse; Divisive Scum; Cut Out
Lifespite: Blown to Shreds; Pray For Nothing ; One By One