In some ways it is hard to believe that this is the work of an Icelandic trio in 2018, as opposed to a British quartet from the Seventies, but The Vintage Caravan are back with their fourth album and yet again they prove that they know exactly what they want, and have no plans at all of changing their approach. This is classic hard rock, with just a hint of blues and a touch of prog, as they create something which is whole and hearty. Of course there is going to be an organ on it somewhere, and of course it will be a Hammond, but it is used sparingly and for the most part this is all about bass, guitar and drums combining to create something that is heavy and with a groove, bringing to mind the likes of Free, Budgie and Mountain.

Influenced by the early Seventies, there is certainly no hint of anything from the last forty years in what they are doing, but I for one see nothing wrong with that whatsoever. But, while it is a solid album, it isn’t indispensable, and while I enjoyed it while I was playing it the tunes were soon gone from my mind. The Vintage Caravan are a band who have their place, and if you really want a blast from the past from a band that are going today then this is for you, but while it is a wonderful homage it must be said that it can never be as good as the real thing.

Rating: 7/10
