Released in 2016, this 53-minute-long 10 track instrumental album by Martin Eve was originally his major project on his BA (Hons) Music Technology degree at Falmouth University. He recorded various sounds, manipulated them in his DAW and other software, and then created the whole album within four months. The end result is he got an album out of it, and a First for this module from his lecturer so talk about killing two birds with one stone. I must confess, while I appreciate the album, this really isn’t my style of music at all. There are times when he brings in elements from the likes of Vangelis, and possibly even Tangerine Dream, and at that point I can understand what is going on but for me there is took much from the likes of Kraftwerk. It is more electronica than anything else, and while I appreciate the genre it isn’t something I will search out for myself to listen to. It feels too close to dance, something which should be played with strobes going, and masses of people in a sweaty heap all moving to the same beat. But when he slows it down as on “Necropolis” then it becomes far more interesting. I was sent a physical copy of this, but it is also available on Bandcamp so search it out if this sounds more like your thing, it just isn’t mine.

Rating: 6/10


Track list:
1. Atmospherik Mekanisms
2. Ghost Hunter
3. Necropolis
4. Mekasphere
5. The River Of Yellow Flowers
6. Dub Crawl
7. Waggle Dance
8. Ignition
9. Locomotif
10. Ebb And Flow
