Everything about this release, from the band name through the album title and then artwork leads the listener to one conclusion about the style of music they are going to hear long before it gets to the player, brutal death metal. With everything out there in the open a band really needs to deliver, and on their debut Purulent Necrosis do just that. They originally started life as Cranial Bleeding, but changed the name in 2017, and worked towards the goal of creating something monstrous which finally crawled out of the abattoir in November last year. The only relief are the small film snippets, but when words such as “…eighteen counts of desecration, eight counts of first-degree murder, twenty-one counts of mutilation, twenty-eight counts of desecrating human remains…” are the lighter elements then you may understand when I say this really is brutal.

Singer Justin Downs doesn’t create words, it is a guttural sound which sits at a frequency below the guitars, which are complex throughout the neck while the bass and drums are a single solid slab. The production is exactly where it needs to be, allowing the heaviness and nastiness to shine through so it can be played at the volume it demands, with plenty of power. Somehow within all of this craziness they understand the need for dynamics so there are plenty of time changes within individual songs as they slow down, speed up, and allow the senses to understand a little more of what is happening. But it is all just different shades of darkness, different types of chaos, so one differentiates one to the other but never gets blessed release. It is a maelstrom of brutality, never once coming over as debut but instead is punishing and over the top as if they have been on top of the genre for years. For fans of brutal death metal at its finest (if you get what I mean), this is one heck of a debut and Purulent Necrosis are a name to look out for.

Rating: 9/10
