I think this may actually be the first death metal album I have come across from Holland, not an area I would normally consider to be a hotbed for this style of music. The riffs are tight and complex, but there is just something about this which doesn’t sit quite right. The vocals definitely vary in how they fit in with overall sound in that there are times when Björn van Toorn is getting the aggression and emotion just right, so they lock together, but there are others where it just sounds weird. The album itself is a rollercoaster as it moves between well-constructed numbers which show promise and others like “Sociopathic Monstrosity” which seem much more like a work in progress. When they get it right then they can be a force to be reckoned with, but that is too few and far between to make this an album I wish to keep returning to, let alone spend any more time writing about it.

Rating: 5/10
