The Swiss ladies are back with their third album, the first full-length with new singer. Looking back at their last album I said “Burning Witches have returned with their second release with something that, at best, can be said to be both pedestrian and boring. Here is a band destined only ever to be the support on tours, and not the headline, unless there is a significant change in their approach.” Well, someone has been listening as with new singer Laura (everyone now is only using their first names) they have made something of a change, although I note that even though the album only came out in March they have already replaced one of the guitarists since then. Laura has a real edge, and it definitely lifts the band from where they were as it provides additional dynamics. The videos I have seen of her with the band shows she is a dominant force on stage as well, so this can only do them a power of good in the live stakes.

Are they going to make it to headline status this year? Covid 19 aside, the short answer is no. While they are massively influenced by Warlock and Doro, the power metal they pervade is fairly basic, with guitar solos more fundamental than inspired and songs which rarely contain powerful hooks. It is a step in the right direction but is it enough? If the new guitarist is a strong composer and shredder then possibly, but one wonders if they would have got this far if this was an all-male band. There have been few all-female metal bands over the years, but these guys still have a long way to go to be fully compared with the mighty Girlschool as there just isn’t enough in the way of powerful material or performances. Unless there is a step change, I can see Laura soon moving onto pastures new as she has real presence and vocals, and it may well be she needs to find somewhere else to get that fully recognised.

Rating: 6/10
